How to Submit a Tip
For as much as we woodwork, you’d think we’d know a bunch of tips. But, alas…we do not. That said, we often get comments and messages from people with good tips, so we thought it would be cool to make a series where we take those tips, give them the foureyes treatment (in terms of video production, animations, etc…) and test them out to see if they are any good. Hopefully they are, and we can all add them to our repertoires.
These tips don’t need to be your own original creation. Rather, just techniques that you enjoy and utilize or find helpful. If you know where you learned the tip specifically, go ahead and let us know. If you don’t…don’t worry.
Submit your woodworking tip by emailing it to us at
Here’s what to include:
In the subject line of your email, include a short description of tip (example: “How To Chop an Onion w/out crying” )
In the body of your email, include a detailed description of your tip.
If you have pictures or video, all the better. Anything that will help us to better understand your tip is appreciated. Don’t worry about high production on this stuff. We’ll take care of that.
Where you’d like to be credited. Your Instagram Handle, your YouTube Channel, just your name…or even anonymous. Just let us know.
No tip is too small or too big. If you find it helpful…it’s almost certain that others will as well. So submit liberally. That said, submitting a tip doesn’t guarantee that it will be featured. In the event that we receive the same (or similar) tip from mulitple people, we’ll credit multiple sources, or the person whose tip we most closely reproduced.
Thank you and happy woodworking!
-Chris and Shaun